
1984 Canadian Senior Championships
Brossard, Quebec
May 5-6, 1984

B. Tardif 66QUE 51.4 80 95 175
M. Robitaille 65ONT 51.8 72.5 95 167.5
C.H. Chan 35QUE 51.9 70 92.5 162.5
B. Garrett 63ALB 55.9 95 110 205
R. Singh 52MAN 55.4 85 110 195
L. Cote 65QUE 59.8 112.5 137.5 250
D. Chagnon 62QUE 60.0 107.5 140 247.5
M. Mercier 54QUE 60.0 107.5 130 NIL
C. Dallaire 60QUE 67.5 130 155 285
E. Rogers 52ALB 67.5 117.5 160 277.5
R. Choquette 65QUE 67.5 110 147.5 257.5
J. Garden 64NSC 67.4 110 132.5 242.5
A. Bilodeau 66QUE 67.5 110 130 240
T. Ready 66BRC 67.3 107.5 130 237.5
P. MacDowell 60QUE 66.7 102.5 132.5 235
S. LeBlanc QUE 67.5 110 122.5 232.5
Bert-Gerrans 63ONT 66.0 100 130 230
D. Decreane 64MAN 66.9 100 130 230
M. Vachon 63QUE 67.3 105 125 230
P. Farquar 66ONT 65.0 100 125 225
C. Morotti 66QUE 67.5 95 127.5 222.5
J. Demers 60QUE 75.0 147.5*! 185 332.5*!
M. Pietrucupa 59QUE 74.0 137.5 170 307.5
M. Chouinard 64QUE 73.7 117.5 150 267.5
W. Karch 60ALB 75.0 117.5 147.5 265
G. Yard 64BRC 74.9 117.5 145 262.5
K. Bozdech 56ONT 74.5 115 140 255
M. Belanger 62QUE 74.2 110 135 245
R. Vaillancourt 58BRC 74.7 107.5 135 242.5
A. Roy 62QUE 73.9 115 140 NIL
L. Payer 63QUE 74.2 130 160 NIL
Yvan Darsigny 66QUE 82.5 145 188* 332.5*
C. Klaver 54ALB 81.1 135 167.5 302.5
K. Mazur 61MAN 82.0 130 170 300
G. Poirier 60QUE 82.4 130 165 295
N. McDevitt 63QUE 79.6 120 162.5 282.5
R. Chretien 59ONT 82.0 125 155 280
H. Weinstein 62ONT 80.4 120 157.5 277.5
R. Marineau 64QUE 81.1 125 150 275
M. Waram 61ONT 82.1 120 150 270
M. Joseph 57ALB 82.4 117.5 150 267.5
M. Menard 64ONT 81.1 120 142.5 262.5
Dessureault 61QUE 81.5 110 145 255
M. Oleh 51ALB 82.1 110 145 255
R. Bahra 58BRC 81.2 112.5 --- NIL
L. Cyr 58QUE 82.0 122.5 --- NIL
L. Desimone 64BRC 81.7 112.5 147.5 260
D. Garon 63QUE 88.1 140 177.5 317.5
Yves Darsigny 66QUE 89.6 135 180 315
P. Gill 64BRC 89.3 135 177.5 312.5
G. Leduc 60QUE 89.3 140 170 310
P. Corbett 63NSC 88.5 120 155 275
S. St. Cyr 60QUE 87.3 125 147.5 272.5
D. Boyd 61ONT 89.4 125 142.5 267.5
O. Brown 52ALB 84.6 110 152.5 262.5
W. Miletic 59ONT 87.6 105 140 245
R. Best 64SAS 86.8 105 135 240
J. Normand 60QUE 86.2 --- --- ---
K. Cousbrough 60MAN 88.9 130 167.5 297.5
A. Massicoli 62QUE 89.8 117.5 150 NIL
K. Roy 63ONT 98.8 155 185 340
M. Lidder 62BRC 95.9 145 182.5 327.5
D. Sawatsky 56MAN 90.4 132.5 160 292.5
C. Flynn 59ONT 90.8 135 150 285
R. Santiago 63MAN 97.4 120 165 285
K. Goresky 51MAN 94.6 125 155 280
D. Bolduc 65QUE 97.1 130 147.5 277.5
R. Charbonneau 58ONT 99.6 120 152.5 272.5
B. Jones 60ALB 100.0 115 145 260
A. Squires 54NFL 105.0 162.5 192.5 355
S. Bevilacqua 59BRC 100.6 145 175 320
G. Bennett 45ONT 101.2 135 172.5 307.5
M. LeBlanc 56QUE 105.8 150 --- NIL

* = records galore for Demers and Darsigny.. on a 4th attempt, Demers snatched 150 kg for a Canadian and Commonwealth record and became the first Canadian to snatch double bodyweight.

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